Volume 2

Natalie Purschwitz
Andrew Lee
Sol Hashemi

Volume 2: everlasting accumulation delves into the intricate processes and diverse motivations behind the works of our featured artists. Each artist explores themes of diasporic histories, recorded processes, and object collections, revealing how their unique assemblages of skills shape their art. From brewing and weaving to video collage, sound composition, and material collections, their practices seamlessly blend the everyday, the historical, and the ephemeral with the personal and vital.

What new experiences, perspectives, or motivations emerge through the reading, listening, immersion, or even consumption of these artworks? These convesations and featured artworks  uncovers how each artist maintains fluid approaches and sustains creative vitality in their practice and work tangibly with the impressions that remain.

What do we make of our every-day accumulations? When do objects filter into personal history and belief? What is the foundation of our attachments? Existentially, there is no one answer here, but through these questions we find an invitation for layered meanings, beyond the object-self, where dynamic processes define an everlasting contemporary.

Thinking through salvage rhythms changes our vision. Industrial work no longer charts the future. Livlihoods are various, cobbled together, and often temporary. People come to them for diverse reasons and only rarely because they offer the stable wages-and-benefits packages of twentieth century dreams. I have suggested we watch patches of livelihood come into being as assemblages. Participants come with varied agendas, which do their small part in guiding world-making projects.

- Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing. The Mushroom at the End of the World.

Andrew Lee. The Syncretic Agora Of The Song Or Nothing Happened. I Burst Apart. Now The Fragments Have Been Put Together Again By Another Self, 2021. Video still. Color, sound. 17:35

Natalie Purschwitz. Installation detail. Unknown Variables. mixed media. 2021